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Our main tools
A diversified and updated documentary base.
Hebert Expertises maintains of its own real estate data base, "immoprof" and "enchères", plus :
- Statistical data provided by notary representatives : http://basebien.com/PNSPublic/index.php
- Periodic studies in different segments of the market produced by our experts for the exclusive benefit of our customers.
- Information collected from professional organisations of which we are members : OLAP, CLAMOR, IFEI, EXPLORE, la Place de l’Immobilier, ORIE, IEIF, Argus de l’Enseigne, la Lettre M², Expertise Pierre.
- A secured Extranet site GSICA, https://gsica.hebertexpertises.fr
- GEOFONCIER, the real estate online portal : https://www.geofoncier.fr/