Hebert Expertises is a SAS whose sole activity is real estate valuation.
The society is a member of the « Charter of Expertise in Real Estate Valuation ».
This charter guarantees its independence, obligation for professional confidentiality, impartiality, level of competence (with mandatory continuous training) and compulsory professional liability insurance.

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Rental values

The rental value of a property is the income that a freeholder can expect from his rental.

Rental value or Market Rent Value takes into account the location and the type of property (buildings, plots of land, commercial premises, housing...). It will evolve depending on local market conditions and work done to renew or improve the premises.

It is also a reference in case of negotiation, renegotiation or dispute between a freeholder and a tenant.

Our rental value estimates also cover offices or other commercial premises (workshops, warehouses, etc.), but also premises that require a particular evaluation method: chateaux, hotels, student residences, hotels, cinemas,...