Hebert Expertises is a SAS whose sole activity is real estate valuation.
The society is a member of the « Charter of Expertise in Real Estate Valuation ».
This charter guarantees its independence, obligation for professional confidentiality, impartiality, level of competence (with mandatory continuous training) and compulsory professional liability insurance.

The risk of conflict of interest is avoided.

HEBERT EXPERTISES is not a subsidiary of a bank, insurance company, commercial company, administrator, or a public institution.

The company (SAS) is privately owned.

No conflict of interest.

Our company, HEBERT EXPERTISE, is completely independent; no client represents more than 10% of its turnover.

Real estate appraisal to assist your asset management.

Real estate is an essential element to economy, sensitive to fluctuations of markets and all the macro and micro financial indicators. In this context, regular monitoring of the market value of property and real estate rights is necessary and sometimes imposed by legal regulations (standards IFRS, IAS 16,17, and 40, Decree 90 insurance SCPI, OPCI, ACP).